Director of Community Development and Parks
Erik Brubaker
Erik held the position of Planning Director for Ponderay, ID from 2008 to early 2021, before moving into his new roll as the Director of Community Development and Parks. As Ponderay’s first planning professional, his duties have been broad and have included building a new program from the ground up as well as grant writing, community projects, parks, and transportation planning. Currently Erik is actively pursuing the Pend d’ Oreille Bay trail project which could result in public access to two miles of lakeshore and get the community safely under an active railroad line. Erik and his family have lived in Bonner County since 2005. He has three children and lives in Sandpoint. For three years prior to working for Ponderay, Erik worked as an assistant planner with the Bonner County Planning Department. During this time period Bonner County was undertaking a major land use code reform project with the help of a consulting team. This experience served as both a valuable exercise in implementing and balancing modern and traditional planning ideas, and a “trial by fire” immersion in the public planning process. Prior to moving to north Idaho, Erik lived in the Seattle area where he managed site development for The Cottage Company’s innovative housing projects. While in Seattle, postgraduate coursework at the University of Washington prompted a career transition from natural resources biology to social sciences and human development patterns. Prior to Seattle, Erik lived in Wyoming for three years where he conducted cutthroat trout research for the Forest Service in the mountains surrounding Jackson. Erik settled in Wyoming after graduating from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania in 1999 with a B.S. in Biology with a focus in fisheries management. Erik spent his childhood days running about in the fields, forests, and streams of central Pennsylvania.
P & Z Meeting Minutes
A 12 month rolling archive is kept on the website for convenience. For minutes predating this time frame, please visit Ponderay City Hall at 288 Fourth Street, Ponderay Idaho, 83852 or contact us at (208) 265-5468
Forms & Documents
Please check the Official Fee Schedule for current Application fees by clicking HERE.
Site Plan Modification Application
Comprehensive Plan Component Worksheet
Special Use Permit Application
Reader Board Sign Request Application
Temporary Sign and Banner Permit
Erosion Control – Site Development Application
Encroachment Application-Street Access
Title 50 Petition to Vacated Platted Areas or Rights-of-Way
Lot Line Adjustment and Notational Change
Change of Use Permit Application
City Hall (208) 265-5468
Stephanie Peterson
City Clerk/Treasurer
Kim Van Den Berg
Deputy Clerk
DISCLAIMER: This map is based upon Bonner County
and Idaho State Tax Commission GIS data and does
not represent survey level accuracy and can contain
errors inherent with mapping at this scale. Map details
and the associated data are created solely for the
planning purposes identified within this map. Location
of boundaries are intended to be representative. The
City of Ponderay relies on third party source data to
create this map. While every effort is made to ensure
accuracy and currency of the mapping data, the City
does not accept any responsibility or liability for any
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this information.
McNearney Park
McNearney Park is located at 1015 McNearney Road, behind the Panhandle Animal Shelter. The park boasts a dirt Pump-Track and Skills Loop.